Best DIY Balloon Experiments | Selected Balloon Experiments for kids

Who loves balloons? We all do. Kids love to blow balloons, pop them, and even fight with them. Balloons are also the best way to learn science. There is an endless list of experiments that can be done with the help of balloons. They are easy to do, and each one will teach you a valuable science concept. Go through this list of the best DIY balloon experiments, and choose the ones you are going to try out.

Best DIY Balloon Experiments

Best DIY Balloon Experiments | Selected Balloon Experiments for kids

Who loves balloons? We all do. Kids love to blow balloons, pop them, and even fight with them. Balloons are ...
Balloon Glass Experiment

Balloon and Glass Experiment for Kids

Do you think that a balloon is strong enough to lift some weight? Hard to believe? Well, then try this ...
Flying Balloon Expriment

The Flying Balloon Experiment | Hydrogen Balloon Experiment

Have you not been fascinated by the gas balloons that fly up in the sky as soon as you leave ...
Tabletop Fountain

Air Pressure on Water Experiment | The Tabletop Fountain

Who wouldn’t like a tiny fountain on their table? Well, it’s not that difficult to create a little fountain for ...
Balloon HoolaHoop

Coin in Balloon Experiment | Coin Hoola Hoop

Do you think it is possible to make a coin swirl on its own, that too inside a balloon? Check ...
static electricity

Static Electricity Balloon Experiment | Balloon Picking Up Paper

Have you experienced slight electric shocks when touching a door knob or turning a handle, especially in cold winters? Though ...

More about balloons

So you have chosen your pick from the best DIY balloon experiments. Do you want to know more about balloons? Here is some extra information. In 1824, Michael Faraday made the first modern rubber balloon on record. He used his balloons to contain the gases produced during his experiments. In the following year, Thomas Hancock started selling toy balloons. These balloons were not like the modern ones which we can simply blow into. It was more like a DIY kit. The balloon came as two circles of soft rubber, and the user was required to assemble the balloon. Lay the two circles on top of each other, and rub the edges together. Balloon is ready!

Do you wish to read about more experiments? We have an exhaustive list in our Experiments section. There are experiments with candles, soaps, and many more household items. Have fun exploring.
