‘Fantastic Giant Tortoise’ Not Extinct?

This is some good news for all animal lovers. A rare species of giant tortoise which goes by the name, Fantastic Giant Tortoise, is still roaming over the Earth! Scientists believed this species to be extinct more than a hundred years ago. Chelonoidis phantasticus, or the Fantastic Giant Tortoise, is a subspecies of the Galapagos tortoise. The only known specimen of this subspecies was found in 1906, more than a century back.  The discovery that this species is still alive brings new hopes to researchers and scientists.

What is Special About Galapagos Islands?

Galapagos is an archipelago of islands which form part of the Republic of Ecuador. These are volcanic islands, and they lie on either side of the Equator in the Pacific Ocean. Unique geographical location and geological features of these islands may have contributed to the wide assortment of flora and fauna that thrive here.  These islands were the source of Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution. 

Galapagos Islands are located at the confluence of three major ocean currents. This contributed to the wealth of marine beings in the region. Even today, scientists consider this region to be a ‘living museum and showcase of evolution.’ Marine iguanas, flightless cormorants, and giant tortoises are some of the unique animals that one can spot here. Rampant tourist activities threaten the sustenance of this unique ecosystem.

Fernanda Tortoise Captures News Headlines

The Fantastic Giant Tortoise also goes by the name Fernandina Island Giant Tortoise. Fernandina Island is where this subspecies of tortoise first appeared before human eyes, and hence the name. In 1906, researchers found this species, and recorded it. Thereafter, they totally vanished for a long 100 years, which caused them to be declared extinct. In 2019, a group of researchers in Fernandina Island discovered a lone female tortoise in an isolated patch. A DNA test of this tortoise and a comparison with the specimen collected in 1906 confirmed that they belong to the same species.  Scientists named her Fernanda. This discovery was received with great enthusiasm by wildlife conservationists.

Fantastic Giant Tortoise
Giant Tortoise

What Next?

The discovery of a species of tortoise thought to be extinct gives immense pleasure and hope for the scientific community. But the mysteries surrounding this discovery still remain. Did they manage to evade human eyes for such a long period? Is there a hope of finding more from the species? Let us wait and watch for the answers.
