Smart parenting during online learning – 7 useful tips

It has been a year since the pandemic hit the world. Entire world came to a standstill! Though the fear of pandemic is still lurking around the corner, we are slowly learning to move on. Children are also witnessing the ill effects of Covid 19. It is a tough task for parents as well as children to adapt to the new system of online learning. Here are a few tips for smart parenting during online learning.

Parent Awareness Quotient

During the times when your child physically attended the school, it was easier for you to keep track of things. Go through their school notes, attend parent-teacher exchanges, and interact with their friends. This was sufficient to give you a fairly good idea of how your child was faring at school.

Now that the times have changed, teachers are remotely controlling students. They get to see only what the screens allow. Parents are in a better position than teachers to assess the holistic development of students. And the teachers expect you to step up to the occasion and do your part.

Close assistance and supervision are essential for younger children. They need assistance in more ways than you can imagine. Sit with them, read with them, and assist them. But remember, their assignments are for them to complete, not for you.

Smart parenting during online learning

As for teenagers, smart parenting during online learning implies a general supervision. Teenagers have a peculiar characteristic in general. They don’t like their parents peeping into their rooms every now and then. They see it as an ‘invasion of privacy.’ So let us keep things peaceful, and allow them the privacy that they ask for.

But make sure that they are attending classes, and not roaming around in other online platforms. An occasional snack or drink can be served to them in their rooms, which will let you become a spy without raising suspicions.

Create a conducive environment

Children study better if they are surrounded by the right atmosphere with positive vibes. No matter how hard we try, it is impossible to replicate a school at home. But as parents, we can create a peaceful and quiet place for our children.

Let the house be noise-free during your child’s online classes. No loud television, no loud telephonic conversations, and absolutely no verbal arguments. Leave all your disagreements with your spouse for some other time.

Cooperate with school

Online learning has seen many parents falling victims to the practice of over-parenting. In other words, parents tend to take their roles as in-house teachers more seriously than required. Many teachers complain about parents stepping into their authority, and telling them what is to be done and what is not.

This is not a good trend. Merely because your kids are learning from home, it does not mean that you are in total control. Respect the teachers, and teach your children to respect them as well. Cooperation is the key word to be noted here. As long as you are ready to have healthy discussions with teachers, you are on the right track.

Ensure Regular screen breaks

There was a time when we could ban our kids from all gadgets if they misbehaved. Today, they study with the assistance of gadgets, and so, this is not possible any more. But smart parenting during online learning requires you to keep a tab on their screen time apart from studies.

Make sure that your kids do not spend their leisure time in front of screens. A break no longer means a break from studies. It means a break from screens as well. Stepping out may not be possible given the pandemic scenario. Encourage them to engage in some fun exercises or indoor playing. Ensure that the get a regular dose of physical activity.

Rewards and goodies

Parenting does not involve only supervising and disciplining. It also involves appreciating your children’s efforts and rewarding them for their good work. A wonderfully completed project work would have earned them quite an applause, had they gone to school.

In online learning, children might not get the attention and appreciation that they yearn for. We can’t blame anyone for this. This system is new to all of us. As a parent, you can compensate for this drawback by rewarding them in your own way. Keep track of your child’s projects and assignments. Do not allow their spirits to dampen due to lack of a group environment. Gather together as a family, and give them an applause for their efforts.

Online socializing and threats

Today, friendships and socializing thrive over the web. Children too have their virtual friends and fun. Smart parenting during online learning essentially involves being aware of your child’s virtual world. But we don’t advise helicopter parenting. Don’t peep into your child’s personal chats or friends’ groups.

All you need to do is to make them aware of the dangers of the virtual world. Share the examples of virtual harassment with them. Discuss your world with them, and listen to them talk about theirs. Once you gain the confidence of your child, you can be sure that they will discuss with you any matter that bothers them.

Mental wellbeing

Months of social seclusion has had an impact on the mental wellbeing of our youngsters. UNICEF conducted a digital assessment of the impact of Covid-19 on the mental health of adolescents. Participants were from Latin American countries. In the study, 27% of the participants reported feeling anxiety, and 15% suffered from depression. Find more details of the UNICEF study.

Ensuring the mental and emotional wellness of your children is an essential part of smart parenting during online learning. If you find that your child is more silent than usual, step in and take charge. Encourage them to start an exciting new hobby. Spend more time with them, listen to their favorite singer or watch their favorite web series.

These are trying times. But with the right approach, we can tide over this and make our children ready for a better future. You might also be interested in Parenting Tips on Saying No to Children.
