Octopus Facts for Kids | Mysterious Tentacles in Water

Today, let’s talk about Octopus, one of the most mysterious creatures of the ocean. People usually think of octopuses as dangerous creatures with deadly tentacles. Is that true? Let us delve deep to find some octopus facts for kids who always love aquatic creatures.

There are many chilling stories about monstrous octopuses tipping over big boats and smothering people with their huge tentacles. Do you remember the monstrous octopus, Kraken, from ‘Pirates of the Caribbean?’ Davy Jones used the monster to destroy his enemy vessels. Unfortunately, the truth about octopuses is so different! Octopuses are solitary creatures who spend most of their time hiding in rock crevices or cozying up in their shell homes. There are many more such interesting facts about these amazing sea creatures.

Unique Facts about Octopus

Octopus camouflage
A Camouflaged Octopus

Several studies conducted on octopuses show that they have some unique characteristics. Here they are:

  • The octopus is one of the most intelligent invertebrates, and has the highest brain-to-body mass.
  • Octopus can rapidly change its shape enabling it to squeeze through small gaps and crevices.
  • All octopuses are venomous. But we, humans, need to be scared of only the blue-ringed octopuses.
  • Giant Pacific octopus is often cited as the largest known octopus species and can reach up to 20 feet in length.
  • Octopus has 3 hearts and its blood is bluish in color – truly royal!
  • The octopus’s suction cups are equipped with chemo-receptors, so the octopus can taste what it touches.
  • Most octopuses swim by jet propulsion, by expelling a jet of water from the mantle through the siphon.
  • The veined octopus builds a shelter for itself by using items such as discarded coconut shells.
  • Octopuses often use camouflage when hunting, and to avoid predators. The “Moving rock” trick involves the octopus mimicking a rock and then inching across the open space with a speed matching that of the surrounding water.
  • Some octopuses can perform arm autotomy in a manner similar to the way lizards detach their tails, and so, can replace their lost limbs.

Did you love reading these octopus facts for kids? For more such interesting reads, go to our Fascinating Facts section.

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