Most Dangerous Trees in the World | Predators Among Trees

We generally think of trees as being generous. They are the ones who preserve the nature for us and provide us with oxygen. But there are a few among them, which have killer instincts. We could say that there are homicidal maniacs among trees also. Hard to believe? Let us have a look at the most dangerous trees in the world.

Pisonia – To kill a bird mockingly

Most dangerous trees
Pisonia Tree

If we told you that this tree kills birds just for fun, you would only laugh at the absurdity of the statement. But this is true. Pisonia trees are killers of birds, and they do this without any obvious reason. These trees produce sticky seed pods that allure birds with prospects of a delicious lunch.

Once the birds settle down for food, they are trapped in the sticky part, and cannot fly! Ultimately, they starve to death. Scientists conducted several studies to find out whether these trees derive any benefit from these killings. The answer was no. They kill just because they are created like that. They are aptly considered among the most dangerous trees in the world.

Gympie gympie – Help me, help me

Most dangerous trees
Gympie gympie tree

This is how exactly you would yell if you get a sting from this ultimate stinger plant. They are common in the rain-forests of Australia. The entire plant, including leaves, has a coating of stinging hair over it. Come in contact with these hairs, and you are sure to remember the consequences for quite some time.

Some of those who experienced this sting have said that the effect is equivalent to being electrocuted and burned by hot acid at the same time. We surely don’t want these plants anywhere in our garden.

Sandbox tree – Ticking time bomb

Most dangerous trees
Sandbox Tree

A tree which has been nicknamed as ‘dynamite tree,’ is one that has to be among the most dangerous trees. These trees are natives of the Amazon rainforests. They can grow up to 200 feet tall, and have cony spikes all over the trunk. But this is not what makes them dangerous.

Sandbox tree produces pumpkin-like fruits that explode when ripe! Yes, they explode with a loud band, flinging the seeds at a speed of 150 miles per hour. It can seriously injure anyone who happens to be on its way. This is a dynamite tree indeed!

Manchineel tree – Don’t take my shelter

Most dangerous trees
Manchineel Tree

If you happen to be outdoors while it is raining, your first instinct will be to take shelter under a tall tree. But if you are near a manchineel tree, this is strictly a no. This tree is the Guinness World Record holder for being the most dangerous tree.

There are many other trees which have poisonous fruits. But with manchineel, every part is poisonous. Don’t pluck its fruit, don’t touch its leaves, and don’t even stand under it when it rains. All these could cause grave damage to you. Considering that these trees look quite innocuous, signboards are generally displayed near them giving proper warning to passers-by.

So it turns out, our general notion that all trees are beneficial for us has some fallacies. Now we know that all trees are not noble.

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